Green Tea And The Latest In Skin Care And Promising Cancer Treatments

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With all the latest research and developments into skin care it has recently been found that Green tea actually has more to offer than originally thought. It could possibly be the newest anti cancer wonder treatment. In research conducted in Thailand by Dr. Ptong of the Skin Education Foundation it was evidenced that Green tea when taken orally or applied externally had a marked effect on the skin in relation to cancer and carcinogens.

Ptong elucidated that it was the antioxidants, commonly referred to as green tea polyphenols (GTP), that caused this new functionality. The polyphenols of showed the ability to actually prohibit and retard the growth of various skin cancers. From basal cell carcinoms (the mildest and most common form of skin cancer) to malignant melanoma and its variants (the deadliest and fastest spreading form) all were shown to be effected by these GTP polyphenols.

In animal studies where the skin was treated with various carcinogens and chemicals or radiation with mutagenic properties it was found that skin treated prior with a rub or salve of the polyphenols had a much lower rate of mutations afterwards. This resulted in a much lower chance of growths and cancer developing. In one study it was shown that the the resultant damage that normally occurs from excessive UV radiation did not happen to skin pre treated with a GTP salve. It is important to note that they have now found identical results with human research. According to Dr. Ptong:

Every area we tested the polyphenols we made significant discoveries and every time it was very positive. The polyphenols extracted from green tea are extremely active against all types of cancer in this study.

It was also found that, along with external application, oral use of the polyphenols reduced the risk of developing skin cancer more than in half in over 1000 patients. In another test, patients with malignant melanoma were given green tea to drink and after one month it was found that the growth rate of the cancer slowed tremendously. It was found that hot, green tea contained the highest concentration of the beneficial polyphenols. From these studies one can easily surmise that green tea shows great promise in skin care and in treating and reducing the risk of cancer and other similar maladies. Just from these studies it is enough to conclude that it should be made a part of the daily regimen for optimum health.

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About the Author

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He provides various skin peels and anti aging treatments for doctors offices and medispas. For more great information please visit:

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Green Tea Alert

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Would you like to feel more alert? At work, I do. Would you like to see an increase in your metabolism? I do all the time. How would you like to lose a little weight? I know I do. Do you have arthritis that you would like to get rid of? Green Tea may be the answer to some of these ailments.

Green Tea dates back over 5000 years in China. It has been used in China, Japan, and other regions of the world through the course of time. It has been used in ceremonies and customs in different areas of the world. It has caught on in the U.S. for many different reasons too.

There has been talk and information all over the internet and in books that indicate green tea has different health related properties that may be useful to many of us. Many of these properties have been known to come from the ingredient epigallocatechin gallate which is an antioxidant. Some say it is used to reduce arthritis, increase air flow to the lungs for asthma, increases alertness, and may reduce chances of getting specific types of cancer. Many have even indicated that it increases the metabolism. This is very interesting to me. I know I like to hear about the positive attributes of natural substances like Green Tea. They are cheaper than prescription drugs and in many cases seem to be safer.

There are many sources on Green Tea that can be found on the internet, medical journals, and remedy books. One thing many have in common is that Green Tea is a natural supplement that may provide health benefits.

Green Tea contains about 50 milligrams of caffeine per cup. This depends on how strong you brew your tea and how large your cup is. This is less caffeine than a cup of coffee, but none the less, it does contain caffeine. The caffeine, I would venture to say, is the reason we may see increases in alertness and possibly an increase in metabolism causing some weight loss. Caffeine will do that to people. There is nothing wrong with those effects as long as you don't have any other that may cause problems when you drink Green Tea.

Please keep in mind that there are drawbacks to Green Tea. Pregnant women shouldn't take green tea because of the caffeine and related problems with the fetus which is indicated in some medical journals. People who are sensitive to caffeine should also be careful.

Green Tea may prove to be an important herbal supplement over time as more studies are done and proven in the medical community. If you don't have any problems with it and you enjoy drinking tea, do so, you may gain other benefits.

Always check with a physician prior to starting a supplementation program.

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Autor: Big_Daddy

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